May we be heard
before the first sky fell
and the mountains splayed apart
amongst the land and stone,
the wild hyssop shared with caution
medicine of abundance,
spirits known and unknown
Can we be heard
Across the screams
The blood
The lives destroyed
with thoughts and prayers
Your right to guns
We need to be heard
Within without
Amongst the waves and sea
bringing noise and disease,
a new kind of degradation, downcast
The lost the taken
The you
The me
The choice to steal
Who among us asked for birth?
And who can return us to our ancestors
We don’t need permission
To be heard
They make us memorize their lies
barbed wire,
enshrined in treaties, banked,
As we raise the new sky together
The most feared disease of all
Full spirit, only ourselves,
Eyes open to pain and love
Take this with you
into your thoughts and your heart
But return

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Kashif respectfully acknowledges our occupation on the unceded ancestral homelands of the Munsee Lenape & Canarsie peoples as well as the stolen land that makes up the greater occupied territories of Turtle Island.
Stolen land. Stolen people.
We seek to inspire healing and foster understanding by channeling the abolitionist spirit of our ancestors.
Acknowledgement alone cannot bring us into right relationship; we seek justice for all of our collective identities to be able to live within their dreams, thrive with dignity, and realize self-determination.